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Kauman Grand Mosque

Kauman Great Mosque is built in a typical religious Javanese architecture with its triple-tiered roof, lack of minaret, and a serambi. The frontyard of the mosque is grown with trees considered beneficial in Javanese symbology. To the north and south of the courtyard are tall pavilions known as pagongan.

The north-side is called Pagongan Ler ("northern pagongan") and the south-side is called Pagongan Kidul ("southern pagongan"). During Sekaten ceremony, Pagonan Ler is used to place the gamelan set of Kyai Naga Wilaga, while the Pagongan Kidul is used to place the gamelan set of Kangjeng Kyai Guntur Madu.

Address: Alun-Alun Keraton, Jl. Kauman, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55132, Indonesia
Construction started: 1773
Location: Located in Yogyakarta's city center
Distance: Within 30 minutes of most hotels*
Kauman Grand Mosque Interior
Kauman Grand Mosque during sunset